how to avoid conflicts black couples 29 Feb 2016

BY: Dr. Laura Louis

Blog / Marriage

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5 Ways to Avoid Conflict in Your Relationship

5 ways to avoid conflict in your relationship! No relationship is perfect. Conflict will arise between you and your partner but it does not have to remain or manifest. Many couples struggle with issues such as communication, pride, or lack of understanding. Remember that an ideal relationship is just two imperfect people who refuse to give up on each other. When in a relationship considering your partners thoughts, feelings, and opinions is important. These techniques will help you think like a team rather than individuals in your relationship.
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perfect first date tips for black couples 29 Feb 2016

BY: Dr. Laura Louis

Blog / Single Life

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First Date Tips: 6 Tips for the Perfect First Date

6 First date tips: RELATIONSHIPS often begin as a result of either a great date, a horrible date, or a date that you will never forget. Whether you are going to see a movie, eating at a fancy restaurant, or a simple walk in the park; going on dates is essential to building on a relationship. Dating can either result in funny stories or an experience that will be beneficial beyond measure. You may find yourself on a blind date with a person you have only heard about or with someone that you met at church. Regardless of how you ended up on this date, here a six first date tips to help the “first date” be a successful one.
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long distance relationships tips 29 Feb 2016

BY: Dr. Laura Louis

Blog / Marriage / Travel & Activities

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How to Manage a Long Distance Relationship

How to manage a long distance relationship – Many people think that it is impossible to maintain a healthy relationship when you are hundreds of mile away. How could you possibly have a relationship with someone if they aren’t physical present? Although long distance relationship may seem like a risky thing to engage in, with a work and dedication, the time apart from one another won’t ruin your relationship.
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how to build sexual confidence 29 Feb 2016

BY: Dr. Laura Louis

Blog / Sex

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How to Build Sexual Confidence

How to build sexual confidence – confidence is your best assessor. It is not a new outfit, or changing your hair. There is nothing more attractive than confidence. For ladies, one way to increase your sexual confidence is by taking an exotic moves class. You might consider taking a pole dancing class. After you get the dance routine down, practice it with your spouse. Have fun with it. Practicing being naked together. It is very important that you feel comfortable being vulnerable with your spouse. One way to practice feeling comfortable with your spouse, is to be around each other without clothes on. Practice being naked and not ashamed. Over time, it will build you sexual confidence.
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all day foreplay sexting 29 Feb 2016

BY: Dr. Laura Louis

Blog / Sex

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All Day Foreplay – Preparing The Mind and Body for Sex

All Day Foreplay : Preparing The Mind and Body for Sex  non sexual touches are an essential aspect of intimacy. Have you ever heard of the term all day foreplay? The art of all day foreplay might include holding hands, giving each other a massage without it leading to sex. You can send your spouse texts throughout the day.
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psychology of sex 29 Feb 2016

BY: Dr. Laura Louis

Blog / Sex

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Want More Sex? Protect your Time for Connecting by Prioritizing

Want more sex? There are gender differences when it comes to intimacy. Men are like microwaves while women are like slow cookers. When you expect your partner to experience pleasure the same way you do, you are setting yourself up for disappointment and frustration.  (Speak of levels/types of intimacy, emotional, social, intellectual and physical).
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