Tips on How to Make your Marriage Affair-Proof: Secrecy Versus Honesty 12 Mar 2022

BY: Dr. Laura Louis

Blog / Marriage

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Tips on How to Make your Marriage Affair-Proof: Secrecy Versus Honesty

Affair-Proof marriage – How-to Tips: Secrecy vs. Honesty

Affair-Proof Marriage! Many affairs start when their partner prefers to share their problems with another person besides their spouse. The researchers from the University of Colorado Boulder’s Department of Psychology and Neuroscience found out that about 21% of men and 13% percent of women reported infidelity at some point in their lifetime.

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Three Ways to Save a Failing Marriage 08 Mar 2022

BY: Dr. Laura Louis

Blog / Marriage

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Three (3) Ways to SAVE a Failing Marriage!

Being married is not just about life-long commitments. It requires a lot of patience, forgiveness, understanding and acceptance in order to protect your marriage.

Marriage is definitely not easy and requires effort each and EVERY DAY. But it surely is worth fighting for. Are you feeling alone in your marriage?

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