Tips For a Happy Marriage: 5 Practices That Will Result in a Successful Marriage
BY: Dr. Laura Louis
Blog / Marriage
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Tips for a Happy Marriage: Is Your Marriage In Stand Still? Do You Feel Stuck or Stagnant In Your Marriage? Here are 5 Things You Should Always Remember to Do to Keep a Successful, Growing Marriage.
Being married is an all day, year round job. You must constantly work to maintain a happy marriage. What you put into your marriage is what you will ultimately get out of it. The wedding, honeymoon, and newlywed stage are always the easy fun part. Then there comes the real test, time. A successful marriage will stand the test of time. Here are 5 things you should practice to maintain a happy, successful marriage even after 30 years. These tips for a happy marriage are not all you must do but they will sure help in maintaining the peace and having a long, great and beautiful marriage.
Tips for a Happy Marriage
1. Fight Battles as a TEAM
Often times it is easy to dwell on the negatives of a marriage. You might find yourself focusing on what is going wrong. Conquering the battles of life is not an easy thing to do. Always remember that you are not in this war against your spouse but with them. Do not allow hardships to take a toll on your marriage. Instead use your spouse as a tool or as a weapon against life. Remember you have a companion and battle partner in this war called life. Do not allow troubles to come in between your marriage. Work together as one and bring your strengths and skills along with you, because you will need them.
2. Change with the Times
We as humans change like the seasons. Life has a way of altering our mind to want and desire new things after experiencing the same thing. Understand that during your marriage, your wants and needs will change and so will your spouses’. Remember to be understanding and flexible, it will help. Allow yourself to grow and develop and be supportive when your significant other does the same.
3. Show Your Love in Actions
Love is an action word. Therefore, you must SHOW love. This means being courteous, thoughtful, and encouraging. Never allow your partner to feel alone or abandoned. No one deserves to feel alone in a marriage. Listen to your spouse when they need to vent and provide input and advice. Remember to flirt and kiss each other. Showing affection will take you a long way. Tell them what makes you happy or what you admire about them. Apologize first sometimes and take responsibility for your wrongs.
4. Do Not Get Lost in Your Marriage
Many people think of marriage as a time to become one with your spouse. While this may be true, be sure to remember to be you. Do not give up on your dreams, do not ignore what makes you happy, and remember that your dreams can still come true. Take time to talk to your spouse about your life plan. Tell your spouse your goals, what you are passionate about, and what you think your purpose in life is. Ask for support as well.
5. Allow Yourself to Be Vulnerable
Your spouse will be there at your best and at your worst. They will be there when you have that breakdown because things are overwhelming. They will be there when you go through your mid-life crisis. Do not be afraid to be vulnerable, honest, or truthful about your feelings. Your spouse should know the real you. They will be there through embarrassing moments and tragedies. You will also have to be that support for your spouse when they reach their breaking point as well. Intimacy is about revealing parts of yourself that you usually do not show to others. Your spouse is who you will share those intimate moments with.
Even though this is the last tip in our list, it is one of the most important tips for a happy marriage. Dr. Laura Louis is a Licensed Psychologist/Therapist in the Atlanta, Georgia area. If you’re near and would like to get some of her services, please contact her or make an appointment! You can also check my YouTube Channel for more great stuff.